Main image courtesy of Envato Elements.
While you may feel like you’re still in your 20s, chances are if you’ve happened upon this article, you’re not. But not to worry, you have so much to look forward to as you continue to age. Aging is a fact of life, so instead of fighting a losing battle against it, why not make sure you’re doing your best to look good, to feel young, and be confident? Because when you’re keeping yourself feeling young, you can get out there and live your best life.
We’ve collected our top tips for men to help you feel young. This way, you can avoid the old and keep with the new!
In this article, we’re going to discuss:
- How to care for your hair
- How to stay active
- Taking care of your skin
- Making sure your smile is healthy
- Finding your confidence
Learn How To Keep Caring For Your Hair
Make Sure Your Hair Is Always Brings Its “A” Game

Your hair is one of the first things that people notice about you, and can really express your personality. As you age, there are all kinds of flattering cuts you can choose from. You can also choose to welcome the gray as it starts to develop in your hair or facial hair, or you can choose to dye it—whatever makes you feel more comfortable.
You may also want to use this opportunity to do some research into a hair restoration method that can give you back your hair. If you’ve been living with hair loss and a receding hairline, you probably just thought this was something you need to deal with as you age. We’re here to tell you that you don’t! The Medical Man Cave offers a variety of services to help you look and feel younger when it comes to your hair. You’ll want to speak to one of their medical professionals, but some popular hair restoration options available are:
- Hair transplant
- Exosome injections
- Platelet therapy
- Rogaine
- Capillus laser cap
If you’ve been looking for the right time to explore your options, now is the time.
Other tips to ensuring your hair stays healthy and vibrant:
- Try to limit your shampoo use to a few times a week. Although you may think you need to use it daily, it can actually dry out your hair.
- Use a good conditioner everytime you wash.
- Try to stick to natural styling products.
- Gently towel off your hair or allow it to air dry.
- Visit your hairstylist regularly to ensure you’re getting rid of split ends and keeping it trim. (If that’s your goal!)
Staying Active Keeps Us Young
Find A Way To Keep Your Body Moving

Maybe you can’t run as fast or as far as you did years ago, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still be enjoying daily exercise. Staying active really does keep us young, which is why it’s so important to find an exercise routine that works for you. Experts recommend that you try to do a little movement each day, whether that’s cardio like running, biking, or swimming, or anaerobic such as lifting weights or calisthenics.
Not only can staying active help us feel young and ensure our bodies feel good, but there are all kinds of other benefits as well.
- Helps control weight. As we age, sometimes it’s harder to keep the weight off. One great way to do that is to ensure you’re staying active. Daily movement helps your bones, joints, and ligaments stay healthy and loose so you can continue exercising and enjoying a healthy weight.
- Improves mood and energy. It’s no secret that we feel good after exercise. What’s referred to as the runner’s high is your brain releasing all those feel good hormones like serotonin. That could boost anyone’s mood and energy levels!
- Decreases chances of chronic illness. Keeping your heart and cardiovascular system in shape is key to decreasing your chance of developing conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
- Promotes better sleep. The more you exercise and stay active during the day, the more likely you’ll enjoy better, more restorative sleep.
- Helps with a good sex life. Exercise can help you feel younger, and may end up making you more frisky as well!
Take Care Of Your Skin
It’s Important To Also Care For Your Skin As You Age
There’s a lot of little things you can do to ensure your skin is looking good and healthy as you age. The number one giveaway of age is wrinkles, and while there is no way to prevent wrinkles entirely, there are options that can help you love the skin you’re in. Your skin encounters a lot during the day, so make sure you’re taking care of it.
Switch To Warm Water
While hot showers feel amazing, they can dry out your skin. Keep your showers lukewarm, and keep them short (under 10 minutes). Also, use a facial wash and body soap that does not dry out your skin. Make sure to read the ingredients to see if they include good oils and moisturizers.
Moisturize Properly And Use Sunscreen
This is so crucial to the proper care of your skin. Many men think that they don’t need to moisturize, and have to deal with dry, itchy skin. Whether it’s your facial skin, or your arms and legs, skin needs some extra help staying moisturized. Apply a good facial moisturizer after you wash your face so it is always looking hydrated and glowing.
You can apply moisturizer to other areas of your body if they seem very dry, such as your hands, elbows, or forearms.
Sunscreen is one of the best ways to prevent unnecessary skin damage from the sun. You should apply it daily either before or after your moisturizer. Make sure you’re using at least a 30 SPF, and yes, you do need to wear sunscreen in the winter!
Fill The Wrinkles
You could also choose to fill the wrinkles on your face with cosmetic injectables or fillers in order to ensure you’re putting your best face forward. This is a simple procedure that you can do in the Medical Man Cave office, and get back to your day afterwards! Everyone wants a well-rested and youthful looking face, and men have been getting on board with cosmetic procedures more and more.
Dress The Part. Look Good, Feel Good.
Remember, when you look good, you feel good. Wear clothes that make you feel confident, and you’ll always feel like you’re walking on cloud nine. Style is very subjective, so when you find yours, own it!
These tips are a great starting point to ensure you’re staying young so you can get the most out of life.